Complete Shaving Mill Jackson, Douglas, Morbark, Webb, MEC,


Southeast USA


ManufacturerComplete Shaving Mill
ModelJackson, Douglas, Morbark, Webb, MEC,
Stock Number011813


Complete shaving mill operation for sale. Machinery can be removed or the new owner can lease the current land.

  • Morbark Peeler/Debarker
  • Shaving Mill 1: 40"x12.5', 5-Head, Douglas heads, 50 HP per head, extra plate to run 8' logs instead of 12'
  • Shaving Mill 2: Jackson 8', 2-Head
  • 20 MM BTU Dust Burner
  • 12x50 Triple Pass Drum Dryer
  • 5x10 Rotex Screen
  • 37 BTU Dust Burner (Came with system, never used)
  • Piper Knife Sharpener
  • All controls and electrical
  • All material handling and conveyors
  • Truck scale
  • Knuckle Boom: John Deere with CTI Buck Saw