2007 SCMI Superset Class Moulder 6-Head
orCall 704-288-1904
Manufacturer | SCMI |
Model | Superset Class Moulder 6-Head |
Year | 2007 |
Stock Number | 011539 |
Manufacturer’s Specifications
Minimum working width (finished section)mm25 [15 opt.]
Maximum working width (finished section)mm240 [260 opt.]
Minimum working thickness (finished section)mm6
Maximum working thickness (finished section)mm120 [200 opt.
]Feed speedm/min5 ÷ 25 [6 ÷ 40 opt.
]Motors powerkW (HP)4 (5,5) [up to 18,5 (25) opt.
]Spindles rotation speedrpm6000 [8500 opt.
]Tool-holder spindles diametermm40
]Axial adjustment of vertical spindles from worktablemm80 [75 opt. with HSK]
Axial adjustment of horizontal spindles from right fencemm45Min.