Timber Treatment Solutions Pressure Treating Plants




ManufacturerTimber Treatment Solutions
ModelPressure Treating Plants
Stock Number011267


Timber Treatment Solutions designs and manufactures turnkey high pressure wood treatment plants for impregnating timber to Use Class 3, Use Class 4 and a variety of other requirements.

These plants generally include: –

  • an autoclave with quick closing door(s)
  • one or several tanks to store the treatment chemical
  • a process skid, with all necessary pumps, valves, and pipes
  • a timber pack handling system, from completely manual to fully automated
  • a mixing / dosing system
  • a PC or HMI based control system with our latest plant operating system

There are lots of possible configurations, and our teams will be able to advise the most suitable high pressure wood treatment plant for you, according to your needs and budget.

Plants can be designed for any of the processes required by the timber impregnation industry: –

  • Bethel (full cell) – this is the most common for treatment of timber to Use Class 3 and 4
  • Rueping (empty cell) – this process cycle is used for more specialist lumber  treatments, such as creosote and copper oil, where the impregnation rate needs to be reduced on highly absorbent wood species
  • Lowry
  • Special cycles using any combination of vacuum, air pressure & fluid pressure phases, which can be designed on request



High pressure treatment is widely used whenever deep impregnation of wood by a preservative required: –

  • Sawn or round posts using water-based copper chemicals (UC3 / UC4)
  • Poles, sleepers, posts using Creosote, Creosote/Oil mix, CuNap & Copper Oil
  • Construction timber with fire retardant chemical
  • For specific applications, such as resin or furfural impregnation before curing